Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Sense of Taste

We ended the Five Senses theme by studying the last sense on the list...the sense of taste. 
It was a fun lesson as it was a chance for Z to taste different kinds of food. We started by reading the book, "I Taste..." by Patrick George. Z had fun going through the pages as she learned what people and animals eat. Then, I let her look at her tongue using a small mirror to see what it looks like.
For the main activity, I prepared different kinds of food for her to taste. I prepared food that would let her learn about the different kinds of taste, sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. I did not let her taste 'spicy'...she has an idea that spicy is not good and it will 'burn' her tongue. She had this idea from the book. Hahaha! At first, she wasn't excited to do the activity and that is why she turned around! Hahaha! 

But with a little encouragement, she bravely faced the challenge of tasting different food that she doesn't normally eat. For this activity, I also prepared a one whole poster paper to take note of all the food she tasted together with the description - what it looks (sense of sight) , how it feels (sense of touch) and the taste. 
We started with SOUR - here, I let her taste "calamansi" or Philippine lime. Z wasn't fond of the sour taste. 

Getting ready for taste testing!

For SWEET, I let Z taste honey.
For SALTY, well what we have available is none other than salt! She did not like it and asked for water!

For BITTER, Z ate dark chocolate. She did enjoy eating it because I think the brand of dark chocolate we had was not really 100% dark chocolate. It was still a little sweet that is why she enjoyed eating the chocolate!

Taste Testing Chart
During this activity, I let Z feel the food. She had fun touching the kiwi but wasn't too fond of the taste. The kiwi was a little sour for her so she did not enjoy eating it. Well, I did! Hahaha! I do not get to eat kiwi every day!

I believe this lesson is really good especially for kiddos who are picky eaters. The lesson gave Z an idea what different food taste like. We encourage her to try new food to know if she would enjoy it or not. We do not force Z to eat the food but we let her know that she should always try first before she says no.

I am so proud that she took the chance and tasted the food I prepared for this lesson.

Z is a bit picky when it comes to eating food. She enjoys eating food she is familiar with like scrambled eggs, and noodles (not the instant ones). Only now that she is trying out some new food.

I did not add anymore 'taste' lesson as our next theme will be about food. This will be another chance for Z to try new food and learn where different kinds of food come from.

These are some experiences I am so blessed to have with her. The FOOD theme lesson will definitely be an interesting one since I will let her do some cooking.

Additional activities:

Painting time

Played with pattern blocks

Played with pattern blocks

Play dough time